
We hope that you are in good or reasonable health and have few serious problems. We endeavour to maintain regular contact with Pensioners and to offer help and guidance where possible.

IF you feel that we can help please get in touch, by using the Welfare option on the Contact Us form on this website.

Barclaycard Pensioners Welfare

Blue Card

Although it can be indelicate talking about the ‘grim reaper’ it is sensible for everyone to prepare for the day he comes knocking.

https://www.barcpen.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Blue-Card.pdfAlthough it can be indelicate talking about the ‘grim reaper’ it is sensible for everyone to prepare for the day he comes knocking.

If you want to save those you leave behind a lot of extra work you should prepare a list of what documents are where. We have been issuing a Schedule of Particulars to new members for several years but it seems that not everyone knows of them.

So we have decided to put up a copy here for you to download (you will need adobe reader to read this file and this can be obtained free from here).

So why it is called a Blue Card? Because, since they were first issued, it has been printed on bluecard, and it’s a lot easier to remember than its real title.

Bank Workers Charity

BWC exists to help current and former bank employees and their families across the UK. They do this by providing information, advice, expert support and, in some cases, financial help.

BWC is independent of banks and their services are free and confidential. They can support you with a range of issues, including:

  • Accessing benefits and grants
  • Bereavement
  • Disability, illness and health conditions
  • Caring responsibilities
  • Legal advice
  • Mental health


Get in touch

BWC’s team of Client Advisers are available by calling their free and confidential Helpline on 0800 0234 834 – they’re open Monday to Friday from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm (except bank holidays). Or visit their website to find out more www.bwcharity.org.uk

IF you need help with this please get in touch, by using the Welfare option on the Contact Us form on this website. 

Leona Johnson